недеља, 24. јул 2011.


По ко зна који пут добијам путем Интернета поруке да сам добио новац на некој приватној шпанској лутрији (коју никад нисам играо), те неки дечак из Африке који има само 19 година и на несрећу су му убили оца, има наследство од 2.000.000$ па би инвестирао (прао) новац у моју земљу (подела 70-30%). Има ту у оних који због глади и сиромаштва траже помоћ.
Најновије што сам добио 08.07.2011 од адвоката мог покојног рођака који је живео у Републици Бенин. То ме је навело да се јавно огласим и јавно кажем: „ЧУВАЈТЕ СЕ ДОБРИХ АДВОКАТА“  Они су спремни да ризикују своју професију, породицу, углед и тако даље уз поделу од 50-50%.
То је износ од 18.500.000$. Свако би бар за тренутак помислио како би било лепо да му са неба падне 9.000.000$.
Још кад Вам тај адвокат каже да ће тај новац да уложи у политичку каријеру, пошаље Вам свој пасош, адвокатску лиценцу, копију рачуна банке у којој је новац депонован, умрлицу, полицијски извештај са места несреће, буквално све папире шта ће те помислити?


Сви папири су ту, Ви послали све коме је шта требало, још само да се плати нека судска такса од 6.800 еура у року од 48 сати иначе све пропада. Дотични адвокат Вам уз то писмо каже да је Ваш рачун у банци блокиран те да морате да платите из свог џепа. Спреман је да помогне и плати половину рачуна јер нема више, (одмах ће Вам испричати причу да је његова земља сиромашна, како већ има кредит, како је био на лечењу у француској и тд.) многи наседају и ту половину уплате. Коме?
Нисам ишао даље, али многи су остали кратких рукава!

Avocat Françoise TCHIDEDJI           
BP 703 Pakarou République du Bénin          
Ofifice Telephone: +229 983 913 16
E-mal: francoise.lawfirm@yahoo.com

ATIN: Slavoljub Matović

I am Avocats Françoise TCHIDEDJI, An atoorney to Late Ing. Marko Matović, a national of your country, who used to work as the Director of Produits petroliers (TOTAL BENIN) in Benin Republic West Africa Here in after shall be Referred toaas my client. On Monday, july 23. 2007, 22:53 GTM, my client, And His wife And His wife and their  there Children were involved in a car accident Along Sagbama expres-road. All occupants of the vehicle Unfortunately lost their lives. Since then i have made several enquiries to your embassy to locate any of my clients extended relatives this has also proved Unsuccessful.
After these several unsuccessful attemprts, i decided to track His last name over the Internet, to locate any
member of his Family hence i contacted you. I have contacted you to assist in Repartiating the money and
property left behind by my client before they get confiscated or declared unserviceable by the bank here.
These huge deposits were lpdged particularly, with the “BANQUE ATLANTIQUE DU BENIN (BAB)” An
affiliate of Commercial Bank of Africa where the Deceased had an account valued at about $18.5 million dollars.
The bank has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have the account confiscated. Since i have
been unsuccessful in Locating there latives for over 3 years now, And un-operative account can no longer
exist more than four years in African banks, i seek your consent to present you as the next of kin of the deseased since you have The same last name so that the proceeds of this account valed at $18.5 million dollars can be paid into your account then you and i can Share the money..50% to me and 50% to you i wil procure all the Necessary legal documents that can be used seeing this Del through.
Thus, i guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of law. And the way we are going to achieve this is, i wil need the following information from you, Your Full name and Address,
Your Age, Occupation and Position,
Your Telephone and Mobile for Communication Purpose.
For privacy call office Tel: +229-983 913 16

I awaint your reply ASAP.
Best Regard,
Françoise TCHIDEDJI.

Потпуно исти текст је послао и само са промењеним именом следеће жртве коју на сву срећу није успео да превари.

Avocat Françoise B.TCHIKPE           
BP 703 Pakarou République du Bénin          
Ofifice Telephone: +229 983 913 16
E-mal: francoise.lawfirm@yahoo.com
ATTN: Voskanyan
Iam Avocats Françoise B.TCHIKPE, An attorney to Late Mr. Samvel Voskanyan, a national of your country, who used to work as the Director of Produitspétroliers (TOTAL BÉNIN) in Benin Republic West Africa Here in aftershall be Referred to as my client. On the 27th of May 2004,myclient,And His wife and their three Children were involved in a caraccident Along Sagbama express-road. All occupants of the vehicleUnfortunately lost their lives.Since then I have made several enquiriesto your embassy to locate any of my clients extended relatives this hasalso proved Unsuccessful.
 Afterthese several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to track His last nameover the Internet, to locate any member of his Family hence I contactedyou. I have contacted you to assist in Repatriating the money andproperty left behind by my clientbefore they get confiscated ordeclared unserviceable by the bank here.These huge deposits were lodgedparticularly, with the "BANQUEATLANTIQUE DU BENIN (BAB)" An affiliateof Commercial Bank of Africa where the Deceased had an account valuedat about $18.5 million dollars.
 The bank has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have the account confiscated. Since i have
been unsuccessful in Locating there latives for over 3 years now, And un-operative account can no longer
exist more than four years in African banks, i seek your consent to present you as the next of kin of the deseased since you have The same last name so that the proceeds of this account valed at $18.5 million dollars can be paid into your account then you and i can Share the money..50% to me and 50% to you i wil procure all the Necessary legal documents that can be used seeing this Del through.
Thus, i guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of law. And the way we are going to achieve this is, i wil need the following information from you, Your Full name and Address,
Your Age, Occupation and Position,
Your Telephone and Mobile for Communication Purpose.
For privacy call office Tel: +229-983 913 16

I awaint your reply ASAP.
Best Regards,
Françoise B.TCHIKPE.

2 коментара:

  1. Čuvajte se i nenasedajte na ovakve provokacije!

  2. Dobila sam vrlo slican mail :) ali ovo mi je pomoglo da budem sigurna da je prevara u pitanju, iako sam 99% i mislila da jeste.
